Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg -
Department of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Gero Junike
Curriculum Vitae (short version):
- since 11/2020: Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) for insurance and financial mathematics at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany.
- 2020: (3m) Postdoc at Finance and Insurance Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, with Carole Bernard and Steven Vanduffel.
- 2019-2020: (1.5y) Specialist for algorithmic trading strategies, Finovesta GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany.
- 2016-2019: (3y) PhD Student, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- 2017: (1y) Stay at KU Leuven, Belgium with Wim Schoutens.
- 2013-2015: (2y) Risk Manager at HSBC, Dusseldorf, Germany.
- 2011-2013: (2y) Master in Mathematics (with honors), TU Braunschweig, Germany.
- 2008-2011: (3y) Bachelor in Mathematics, TU Braunschweig, Germany.
Research Interests:
Insurance and financial mathematics
Computational finance
- From characteristic functions to multivariate distribution functions and European option prices by the damped COS method.
Junike, G. and Stier, H. (2024).
Preprint, [pdf]
- Enhancing Fourier pricing with machine learning.
Junike, G. and Stier, H. (2024).
Preprint, [pdf]
- Validation of machine learning based scenario generators.
Flaig, S. and Junike, G. (2024).
Preprint, [pdf]
- Profit and loss decomposition in continuous time and approximations.
Junike, G., Stier, H. and Christiansen, M. C. (2024).
Finance and Stochastics, [pdf]
- Failure of Fourier pricing techniques to approximate the Greeks.
Behrens, T., Junike, G. and Schoutens, W. (2024).
Frontiers of Mathematical Finance, [pdf]
- On the number of terms in the COS method for European option pricing.
Junike, G. (2024).
Numerische Mathematik, [pdf]
- An empirical study of profit and loss allocations.
Flaig, S. and Junike, G. (2024).
European Actuarial Journal, [pdf]
- Cost-efficient payoffs under model ambiguity.
Bernard, C., Junike, G., Lux, T. and Vanduffel, S. (2024).
Finance and Stochastics, [pdf]
- Precise option pricing by the COS method–How to choose the truncation range.
Junike, G. and Pankrashkin, K. (2022).
Applied Mathematics and Computation, [pdf]
- Performance of advanced stock price models when it becomes exotic: an empirical study.
Junike, G., Schoutens, W. and Stier, H. (2022).
Annals of Finance, [pdf]
- Scenario generation for market risk models using generative neural networks.
Flaig, S. and Junike, G. (2022).
Risks, [pdf]
- Representation of distortion risk measures and applications.
Junike, G. (2019).
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, [pdf]
- American and exotic options in a market with frictions.
Junike, G., Arratia, A., Cabaña, A., and Schoutens, W. (2019).
European Journal of Finance, [pdf]
- Implied liquidity risk premia in option markets.
Guillaume, F., Junike, G., Leoni, P., and Schoutens, W. (2018).
Annals of Finance, [pdf]
- Advanced stock price models, concave distortion functions and liquidity risk in finance.
Junike, G. (2019). PhD thesis, [pdf]
Talks and Presentations:
- Failure of Fourier pricing techniques to approximate the Greeks. (2024, Nov.)
Peter Carr Conference on Mathematical Finance, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Itô decompositions. (2024, Aug.)
Bernoulli-ims 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Bochum, Germany.
- The multidimensional COS method for option pricing. (2024, Apr.)
International Conference on Computational Finance, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Empirical and theoretical analysis of profit and loss allocations. (2024, Feb.)
Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Decomposition of profit and losses. (2023, Oct.)
DGVFM-Workshop, Loccum, Germany.
- P&L attribution in dynamic time. (2023, Oct.)
Munich Risk and Insurance Days 2023, Munich, Germany.
- How to handle the COS method for option pricing. (2023, Sept.)
DMV annual meeting 2023, Ilmenau, Germany.
- How to handle the COS method for option pricing. (2023, June)
11th AMaMeF Conference, Bielefeld, Germany.
- Sequential decompositions at their limit. (2023, May)
Mathematical Finance and Stochastics: A Conference in Honor of David Nualart, San Sebastián, Spain.
- Sequential decompositions at their limit. (2023, Apr.)
Belgian Financial Research Forum 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
- Profit and loss attribution by sequential decompositions. (2023, Mar.)
GPSD 2023 Conference (German probability and statistics days), Essen, Germany.
- Precise option pricing by the COS method–How to choose the truncation range. (2022, Oct.)
8th Workshop on Risk Management and Insurance Research, Barcelona, Spain.
- Representation of distortion risk measures and applications. (2022, Aug.)
European Actuarial Journal Conference, Tartu, Estonia.
- American and exotic options in a market with frictions. (2022, May.)
Dynamic Assessment Indices, workshop at IMSI, Chicago, USA.
- Some premium principles in actuarial science. (2021, Oct.)
DGVFM-Workshop, online, Germany.
- Representation of distortion risk measures and applications. (2019, Feb.)
Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Distortion functions and applications in insurance science and two price models. (2018, Nov.)
Statistics Seminar, joint series Mathematics Department & ORSTAT, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Conic finance and earning announcements. (2018, Apr.)
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (Conference MAF), Madrid, Spain.
- Supervised learning
- Financial Mathematics
- Stochastic Analysis
Impressum & Contact:
Gero Junike
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9 - 11
26129 Oldenburg, Germany
Office hours: On appointment
Office: W01 2-232
Phone: +49 441 798-3729
ORCID: 0000-0001-8686-2661
Scopus: 57203924532
arxiv: junike_g_1
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